---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hendrik Weber <hendrik.weber@warwick.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 at 16:57
Subject: maths-staff: Workshop on SPDE and Interacting Particle Systems
To: <maths-staff@listserv.csv.warwick.ac.uk>, <probability@warwick.ac.uk>

Dear all,

Martin and I are organising a workshop entitled "Probabilistic models - from discrete to continuous” in Warwick from March 29 to April 02 2016. The aim is to bring together researchers from Stochastic Analysis and Statistical Mechanics.

Invited speakers include:

Ismael Bailleul
Lorenzo Bertini
Thierry Bodineau
Arnaud Debussche
Frank Den Hollander
Nicolas Dirr
Franco Flandoli
Tadahisa Funaki
Peter Friz
Giambattista Giacomin
Patricia Goncalves
Massimiliano Gubinelli
Milton Jara
Giovanni Jona-Lasinio
Cyril Labbé
Hubert Lacoin
Claudio Landim
Joel Lebowitz
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
Stefano Olla
Nicolas Perkowski
Herbert Spohn*)
Lorenzo Zambotti

*) To be confirmed

We would be happy, if you could attend. In that case we would ask you to please register at


so that we can arrange for the right amount of food during the workshop and for the conference dinner.

Best wishes,


Enrico Priola
Dipartimento di Matematica  
Universita' di Torino    
via Carlo Alberto 10,  10123 TORINO, Italy                  
tel +39 011 6702883  fax +39 011 6702878   
e-mail enrico.priola@unito.it