Segnalo il seguente seminario, che si terrà Giovedì prossimo in Sapienza. Notare il giorno e l'aula inusuali. 

Giovedì 27 Aprile, ore 14:00 Aula L, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma

Speaker: Gérard Letac (Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III)

Title: From the Matsumoto Yor observation to stationary measures for a discrete KdV model

Abstract: Let 

 from  into itself such that  The discrete Korteweg-de Vries model associated to  considers two dimensional vectors  indexed by  submitted to  In the particular case  by considerations on Brownian motion, Matsumoto-Yor in 1999 have found laws of independent random variables  such that  defined by  are independent, obtaining stationary measures on the KdV model. In an extraordinary paper, Croydon and Sasada (2021) have generalized this result to the surprizing  The lecture will prove that if  are independent and such that  are also independent, then the laws of  and  are indeed the generalized Gaussian distributions discovered by Croydon and Sasada. This is joint work with Jacek Wesolowski (arXiv 2203.05404).

Nota: Sul sito del dipartimento il seminario è, ad oggi, annunciato per le 17:00 (in Aula II), ma si terrà alle 14:00 (in Aula L), come annunciato in questa email. La pagina è in corso di aggiornamento. 

Vittoria Silvestri

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome