Dear colleagues,

please find below the announcement of a Datathon (real-time forecasting competition) on Covid-19 just started. 

Feel free to distribute to all interested parties.

Best regards,

Fabrizio Lillo

Announcement and call for participation at Real-time Epidemic Datathon

Real-time Epidemic Datathon is a collective open-source real-time forecasting challenge aimed at joining forces to push modeling limits further for real-time epidemic forecasting at large scale. Organized by ETH Zürich, UCLA, EU SoBigData++ project, NYU COURANT, and other partner organizations. The goal of this project is to bring together researchers and students from different disciplines (e.g., computer science, epidemiology, physics, statistics, applied math, ...) and advance real-time epidemic modeling frameworks. We provide a platform for scientific exchange and discussion. Participating teams can submit predictions of COVID-19 case evolutions in different countries and evaluate/compare their modeling approaches.

Who can join? Everyone can join and contribute in various ways: (i) register as a developer (individual or with a team) of a real-time epidemic forecasting model, (ii) register and monitor scientific developments (see our disclaimer section), or (iii) share the news about this event and help us to reach more contributors.

Fabrizio Lillo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Bologna

Personal website:

phone:  +39 050509159