Car* collegh*,

Il 19 novembre 2024, in aula 24 del Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Sapienza, Università di Roma, alle ore 14, il Prof. Bertram Düring della University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute terrà un seminario dal titolo

From interacting agents to emerging patterns in economics and sociology

Riassunto: Real-world systems in economics and sociology often consist of a large number of interacting agents that may form patterns or develop a collective behaviour. Typical applications include wealth and income distribution in an economy and opinion formation in a society. Mathematical techniques originating from statistical mechanics can be successfully developed further to model such systems and obtain mesoscopic and macroscopic descriptions of the microscopic dynamics. Such approaches frequently lead to generalisations of the classical Boltzmann equation for gas dynamics and associated limit partial differential equations. In this talk I will discuss different kinetic models for wealth distribution and opinion formation, and present analytical and numerical results.

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Cordiali saluti,

Enrico Scalas