Salve a tutti,

Mi permetto d'inviare, a nome del comitato di organizzazione, l'annuncio di una conferenza in probabilità applicata che si terrà a fine giugno a Nancy.

Cordiali saluti,
Sara Mazzonetto


Dear friends and colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 21st INFORMS Applied Probability Society conference will be held in Nancy, France, on June 28 - 30 2023.   

The Informs APS conference has been one of the most important international events in Applied Probability for over 4 decades. After having postponed the conference from back in 2021 due to Covid, we are all so excited to come together again as a community. The event will be an outstanding opportunity to hear (and give!) great talks and poster presentations at the cutting edge of research in Applied Probability.
And the APS conference is an especially great opportunity for students and junior career scientists to meet many in the community, learn about new and interesting research directions, share their recent and ongoing work, establish new collaborations and friendships.

Invited session chairs are currently in the process of inviting speakers, and there will also be many great sessions of contributed talks, as well as an excellent poster fair!

Registration is now open, and all details may be found at :

The key dates are as follows:

February 27th, 2023: deadline for student support applications.
February 27th, 2023: submission deadline for titles and abstracts of invited sessions talks.
March 6th, 2023: submission deadline for titles and abstracts of contributed talks.
March 13th, 2023: submission deadline for posters.
April 10th, 2023: notification of acceptance for student support grants.
April 10th, 2023: notification of acceptance for contributed talks and posters.
May 1st, 2023: deadline for early-bird registration.

Hope to see you in Nancy this summer!

Dave Goldberg (INFORMS APS chair), Pascal Moyal (head organizer) and the local organizing committee.