Ricevo e inoltro.

From: Randomness & Symmetry Workshop <randsym18@ucd.ie>
Sent: 21 March 2018 11:56
To: Bisi, Elia
Subject: Workshop `Randomness and Symmetry’, UCD, June 18-22, 2018

Dear colleagues,

This is a preliminary announcement for the workshop `Randomness and Symmetry’, to be held at University College Dublin, June 18-22, 2018.

Confirmed speakers include - Elia Bisi (Warwick), Philippe Bougerol (Paris), Jeremie Bouttier (Saclay), Manon Defosseux (Paris), Persi Diaconis (Stanford), Nick Ercolani (Arizona), Jonathan Novak (San Diego), Satya Majumdar (Orsay), Dan Romik (Davis), Gregory Schehr (Orsay), Craig Tracy (Davis), Pierre Van Moerbeke (Leuven), Balint Virag (Toronto), Paul Zinn-Justin (Melbourne).

There is limited space available (and some funding for PhD students and young researchers) to participate in this workshop.  To apply / register your interest, please email randsym18@ucd.ie before May 1, 2018.

Further details are available on the workshop web page


With best wishes, on behalf of the organisers,

Fabio Deelan Cunden
Antoine Dahlqvist
Neil O’Connell