We are pleased to inform you about the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca's call for applications for PhD positions in the following specialized curricula
Candidates can apply if they obtain their (minimum) 4-year undergraduate degree NO LATER than October 31, 2014
DEADLINE: July 14th, 2014
MORE INFORMATIONS: http://phd.imtlucca.it
Learn more about the PhD program by participating in our interactive webinar. Go to http://brightrecruits.com/webinars to sign up.
IMT Lucca (www.imtlucca.it) is a research university within the Italian public higher education system.
IMT's research mission is characterized by the analysis and management of a plurality of economic, social, technological and cultural systems.
Faculty carry out cutting edge methodological research to generate knowledge, to design projects to apply knowledge to resolve economic, industrial, social and cultural problems, and to transmit knowledge through highly-specialized graduate courses and seminars.
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For inquiries regarding the 2014/15 IMT PhD call, please write to phdapplications@imtlucca.it.
Research, Planning and Organization Office
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza San Francesco, 19
55100 Lucca - Italy
Tel: +39 0583 4326 745
Fax: +39 0583 4326 565
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