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Da: Departamento de Estadistica <departamento.estadistica@uc3m.es>
Date: mar 19 dic 2023 alle ore 12:21
Subject: Junior Visiting Positions - uc3m - Statistics
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce several positions at the Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain.
I would appreciate if you could distribute this announcement within your institution and to everyone you consider that could be interested.
Sincerely yours,
Junior Visiting Positions at Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The Department of Statistics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is seeking to recruit several candidates for visiting positions at the assistant professor level beginning in February 2024
Requirements include:
● An excellent track record of research experience in any of the departmental research areas link
● A PhD in related fields by the expected start date.
● Demonstrated high-quality teaching experience and/or proven didactic skills.
● Excellent proficiency in English (written and verbal, as faculty are expected to teach courses in English, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels).
Conditions of employment include:
● A two-year contract.
● Gross salary in the range of 30000-38000€ depending on the experience of the candidate.
UC3M (see www.uc3m.es) is a high-ranking young (founded in 1989) research-oriented public Spanish university. The Department of Statistics (see www.uc3m.es/statistics), which has about 35 full-time faculty members with a broad variety of research interests. The Department is involved in teaching Statistics, Econometrics and Operations Research related courses in most undergraduate degrees offered by UC3M, spanning the Schools of Engineering, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The Department participates as well in several postgraduate programs, especially the Master in Statistics for Data Science and the Master in Big Data Analytics, and in a PhD program. A large share of courses are taught in English.
The Department supports the research of new faculty members with funding for conferences and research stays. Faculty members are also active in looking for research funding from public
and private institutions
Non European Citizens applicants must have valid documentation to work in Spain prior to starting.
By the deadline of January 10th, 2024, applicants should send the following by email to departamento.estadistica@uc3m.es (to which queries can also be addressed):
● A cover letter including statements of research and teaching interests and goals; as well as the name and email address of at least two academic references
● A curriculum vitae.
The Department will invite short-listed candidates for an interview and to present a research seminar
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Departamento de Estadística
Calle Madrid 126 – Edificio 1028903 Getafe – Madrid – España
Telf. +34 91 624 98 48
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