This is to announce the 3rd edition of the workshop on
The Mathematics of Subjective Probability:
Topics in economics and probability
to be held at the University Milano-Bicocca in Milan on 11-13 September 2023.
Invited speakers are:
Giorgio Fabbri (University of Grenoble);
Fabio Maccheroni (Bocconi University);
Max Nendel (University of Bielefeld);
Giuseppe Savaré (Bocconi University);
Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique);
Vladimir Vovk (Royal Holloway, London).
The registration is free but mandatory. Deadline for registering is 31st July.
Feel free to circulate this announcement to anyone who may be interested in the workshop.
Best wishes,
Gianluca Cassese, Federica Masiero, Pietro Rigo, Barbara Vantaggi