Subject: 2-year Post Doc research position

The Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice announces a selection for a 2-year Post Doc research position (with no teaching obligation) in Mathematics applied to economics and finance (Italian code for Scientific Disciplinary Sector: SECS-S/06, 13/D4).

The details and Information about the selection procedure can be found at the following link:

The deadline for applications is February 16, 2015.

Candidates are expected to submit a research project.
Research projects focused on models and methods useful for evaluation are specially appreciated, either for the evaluation of scientific research, or for the valuation of financial instruments, or for the evaluation of public organizations/structures or the public administration itself.

Please spread the information to all the people that might be interested.

Best regards,

Antonella Basso
Antonella Basso
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia - Italy
Tel. +39-041-2346914 - Fax +39-041-2347444
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