As a partner of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European
Innovative Training Network (ITN) named "International Training
Network of Statistics for High Energy Physics and Society" (INSIGHTS), the INFN
(Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) offers a Ph. D. scholarship in
Statistical Sciences at the University of Padova.
The early-stage researcher (ESR) recipient of the scholarship will
be hired by INFN and enrolled in the three-year Ph. D. program
offered by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the
University of Padova. The ESR will conduct his or her research at
the Padova section of INFN; the research will focus on statistical
methods targeting the analysis of data from proton-proton
collisions collected by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron
Collider operating at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland,
aiming at the detection of new physics phenomena. The research and
training plan includes the participation to international doctoral
schools, workshops, and conferences in Physics and Statistics, as
well as month-long visiting periods to CERN and to other European
institutions belonging to the Network, plus a three-month
internship at a non-academic institution, for a stage centered on
industry applications of Machine Learning tools. The trainee will
work in close connection with a dozen ESR colleagues hired by the
partners of the INSIGHTS network. The network vows to provide
outstanding, interdisciplinary training and to provide the
trainees with excellent employability, both within and outside the
academic world. At the end of the three-year program the ESR will
obtain a Ph. D. title from the University of Padova.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Candidates should have an at
least four year full time university education degree in
Statistics, Mathematics, Physics or related fields, formally enabling them to
embark in a doctorate program in the country where the degree
was obtained; in any case they should possess a strong
background in Mathematics, Statistics and Statistical Learning.
Additional favorable traits include good computing skills and an
interest in the application of statistical methods to fundamental
research. The application of females
is encouraged as INSIGHTS applies affirmative-action measures to
ensure gender neutrality in the recruitment process.
In addition to the above, at the time of recruitment by INFN
eligible candidates must
NOT have resided or carried out their main activity (work,
studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 12 months in the
three years immediately preceding the recruitment date (short
stays such as holidays are not taken into account). Eligible
candidates must NOT have
been awarded a doctoral degree and also be, at the time of
recruitment, in the first
four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers.
This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree which
would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate, either in
the country in which the degree was obtained or in Italy.
CONDITIONS The gross scholarship amounts to euro 3,318.37/month;
in addition to it, a gross mobility allowance of euro 600.00/month is provided
for, as well as a gross family allowance of euro 500.00/month if
applicable. The cost of enrolment in the
Ph. D. school and of the doctoral courses, as well as all expenses
related to travel to schools, workshops, and network-organized
events and internships will be sustained by the network.
HOW TO APPLY Applications shall be sent by e-mail to the address until the deadline, set to April 15th 2018
at 5PM CET. Eligible applications shall be entirely written
in English, and have as e-mail subject the text “INSIGHTS application -”
followed by last name and first name of the applicant; in case of
memory limitations, applicants may send the material in more than
one e-mail by adding to the subject a proper numbering ("part 1", "part 2", etc.). E.g., “INSIGHTS application – Doe,
John (part 1)” for the first e-mail, and “INSIGHTS application – Doe,
John (Part 2)” for the second. The e-mail(s) shall include
as attachments:
-a properly filled application form, which
can be downloaded at this link:
exhaustive curriculum
of the original certificates for all titles (university degree,
scholarships, etc.) claimed by the applicant in the application
readable passport scan.
will be considered valid if at least one, and no more
than two reference letters supporting the applicant are
received before the above deadline by the already mentioned e-mail
address. The subject of e-mails containing reference letters
should be of the form “Reference
letter for INSIGHTS application of ” followed by the
candidate’s last and first name.
SELECTION PROCESS After a preselection, the
most promising candidates will be invited to a one-hour colloquium
by video-conference with the selection committee in early May
2018; non-preselected candidates will be notified by e-mail
of the result of the preselection. The selection committee will be
formed by INFN and Padova University personnel. During the
colloquia candidates will be asked to introduce themselves and
shortly describe their past research experience. The outcome of
the selection process will be notified to preselected candidates
within two weeks. The research activities and scholarship will start
in the month of September 2018, and the Ph. D. program
courses are expected to start at the beginning of October 2018.
The hired candidate is required to take residence in the
province of Padova for the full duration of the program.
Further information on the position and on the
program of the INSIGHTS training network can be obtained by
visiting the network’s web site at or by contacting by e-mail the ESR supervisor Prof.
Bruno Scarpa at or the INFN PI dr. Tommaso Dorigo at
INSIGHTS ITN - Call for applications