are pleased to announce a Workshop on “BSDEs,
Information and
McKean-Vlasov equations”,
which will take place on September 10th -
2018 at
the University of Leeds, UK.
The objective of the meeting is to disseminate recent results on these mainstream topics in stochastic analysis and bring together experts from many parts of Europe to promote the interplay of ideas and techniques.
Additional information can be found on the website of the event
Confirmed plenary speakers for the workshop are:
Claudia Ceci, University of Pescara
Dan Crisan, Imperial College London
Samuel Cohen, University of Oxford
Miryana Grigorova, University of Bielefeld
Said Hamadene, University of Main
Ben Hambly, University of Oxford
Gechun Liang, University of Warwick
Huyen Pham, University of Paris Diderot
Marie-Claire Quenez, University of Paris Diderot
Francesco Russo, Ensta ParisTech
Lukasz Szpruch, University of Edinburgh
Participants can register via the following link
Registration closes on July 16th, 2018.
A registration fee of £70 will cover lunch and coffee breaks for the three days, and a buffet dinner on the first evening of the conference. There is a limited budget to cover expenses for young participants. All details are specified on the website.
Submission of contributed talks is currently open. There will be also a poster session to allow young researchers working on these topics to present their ideas and results.
If you wish to submit an abstract for a contributed talk or a poster please email Katia at or Elena at before June 25th, 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be given by July 2nd, 2018.
We hope very much that you will consider to participate in these events, and please feel free to forward this email to any interested people.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Leeds.
Best regards,
The organizing committee
Elena Issoglio and Katia Colaneri
Dr Elena Issoglio
Lecturer in Financial Mathematics
Office 11.02, School of Mathematics
School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
T: 0113 34 3 4660