The interacting quantum Bose gas is a random ensemble of manyBrownian bridges (cycles) of various lengths with interactions between any
pair of legs of the cycles. It is one of the standard mathematical models in
which a proof for the famous Bose–Einstein condensation phase transition
is sought for. We introduce a simplified version of the model in $Z^d$ instead
of $R^d$ and with an organisation of the particles in deterministic boxes in-
stead of Brownian cycles as the marks of a reference Poisson point process.
We derive an explicit and interpretable variational formula in the thermody-
namic limit for the canonical ensemble for any value of the particle density.
In this formula, each of the microscopic particles and the macroscopic part
of the configuration are seen explicitly (if they exist); the latter receives the
interpretation of the condensate. The methods comprises a two step large-
deviation approach for marked Poisson point processes and an explicit dis-
tinction into microscopic and macroscopic marks. We discuss the conden-
sate phase transition in terms of existence of minimizer. (based on joint
works with Adams/Collevecchio (2011) and Collin/Jahnel (preprint 2022).)
Gianmarco Bet (he/him)
Senior researcher
https://gianmarco.betPhone: (+39) 055 2751491
Department of Mathematics and Informatics "U. Dini"
University of Florence
Viale Morgagni, 65
50134 Firenze, Italy
Office 64