School and workshop on stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the School and the Workshop on Stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices, to be held at the Erdős Center of the Rényi Institute, Budapest.
School on Stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices: 16-20 June, 2025
Workshop on Stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices: 23-27 June, 2025
- The School will feature minicourses from the following distinguished researchers:
Charles Bordenave
CorwinLászló Erdős
Nina Gantert
Alice Guionnet
Bálint Virág
We are also planning on short talks from interested attendees. Further details are to be found at .
Registration deadline: 15 March 2025.
- The workshop will consist of numerous talks by researchers ranging from early career colleagues to top experts of interacting particle systems and of random matrix theory. There will also be opportunities for discussions during the meeting. Please see details at .
Registration deadline: 15 May 2025.
Please advertise these meetings to interested students and colleagues.
With best wishes from the organisers:
Márton Balázs
Laure Dumaz
Benedek Valkó
Bálint Vető<===
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Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor