Ricevo e inoltro. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Weijun Xu <weijunx@gmail.com>
Date: sab 22 feb 2020 alle ore 17:11
Subject: Workshop on Randomness and PDEs
To: Giuseppe Cannizzaro <giuse.cannizzaro@gmail.com>

Hi Giuseppe,

As you know, we are organising the workshop Randomness and PDEs at Oxford from 29 June to 3 July. It includes three mini-courses by Nicolas Perkowski, Nikolay Tzvetkov and Hendrik Weber, and a few invited talks by experts in the field. More information can be found at: https://sites.google.com/view/randomness-pdes-2020

We have reserved a few accommodations for junior participants.  I would be grateful if you could forward the information to the relevant mailing list.

Best wishes,