Gentili colleghi/e,
vi inoltro l'annuncio della Prof. Marie-Colette van Lieshout, University of Twente (Olanda).

Gianluca Finocchio


The University of Twente, The Netherlands, invites applications for a

      PhD studentship in spatial stochastics

in the project `Comprehensive monitoring and prediction of seismicity
within the Groningen gas field using large scale field observations',
which is embedded in the national research programme DeepNL funded by
the Dutch Research Council.

Candidates are required to have a Master’s degree in mathematics or a
related discipline and a solid background in probability, statistics
and numerical mathematics. They should have excellent grades, research
talent (as proven by their Master’s thesis), an excellent command of
English and good academic writing and presentation skills.

The terms of employment are in accordance with the Dutch Collective
Labour Agreement for universities. The salary will range from
EUR 2325 per calendar month in the first year to 2972 in the fourth
year. Additional secondary conditions include superannuation and
health care benefits, a holiday allowance and end-of-year bonus.

To apply, please send a letter of motivation, a list of your BSc and
MSc courses with grades and either a copy of your Master's thesis if
available or a copy of your Bachelor's thesis accompanied by an outline
of your Master's thesis to

Prof.dr M.N.M. van Lieshout
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam

before October the 27th.  Further information can be obtained at
the same address.