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Mercoledì 24 Maggio ore 14:30
sul Canale Youtube Cnr-IAC al link
con Francois Baccelli
High dimensional stochastic geometry in the Shannon regime
talk will focus on Euclidean stochastic geometry in the Shannon regime.
In this regime, the dimension n of space tends to infinity, point
processes have intensities which are exponential functions of n, and the
random compact sets have diameters of order square root of n.
basic models of stochastic geometry based on Poisson processes will be
considered: the Boolean model, the Poisson-Voronoi tessellation and the
Poisson hyperplane tessellation.
We will show how to calculate the
asymptotic behavior of the classical quantities of stochastic geometry
for these three models in the Shannon regime: for the Boolean model, the
volume fraction, the percolation threshold or the size of the connected
components; for tessellations, statistics of geometric properties of
cells (volume, diameter, etc.).
These questions are motivated by
problems in information theory, including the calculation of error
exponents for channel coding based on random codes and calculating the
distortion in the one-bit compression-based source coding.Survey of work in collaboration with Venkat Anantharam (UC Berkeley) and Eliza O'Reilly (Caltech).