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Da: Phd Mathematics GSSI <phd.math@gssi.it>
Date: gio 16 mar 2023, 12:34
Subject: New Call for Math GSSI PhD applications 2023/24 Now open


(Apologies for multiple posting)
Please diffuse this announcement among colleagues and potentially interested students.

Deadline May 2nd, 2023 3pm (Italian time).

Should you require any assistance with questions that are not addressed in the GSSI website, please contact applications@gssi.it

Dear Colleagues,
this is to announce the opening for 11 PhD Fellowships in "Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences" at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in November 2021.
The application must be submitted through the online form available at www.gssi.it/phd/ by May 2nd, 2023 at 3pm (Italian time zone). Please find the call at https://applications.gssi.it/applications/.
The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation, free luncheon vouchers and use of the canteen.
The official language for the PhD course is English.

1 PhD Fellowship is funded under the ERC project "CARDIOTRIALS -CARDIac simulations to run in-silicO clinical TRIALS", please find further information below.

Within the Ph.D. course in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences a priority has been established on mathematical modeling, both towards the traditional areas of
application, such as Physics or Engineering, and towards emerging issues in Biology and Social Sciences.

GSSI mathematics researchers are interested in tackling many problems with complementary perspectives and methods. The area of Mathematics is characterized by four large macro-sectors: Applied Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Analysis, Numerical methods and Continuum Mechanics Modeling. Within these sectors there is a shared interest in problems related to fluid dynamics and nonlinear waves, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and also its applications to data science. Important ideas of classical analysis, probability theory, mathematical physics and theoretical physics are used also for less traditional applications.  Numerical linear algebra and numerical optimization help to design new models and accompanying numerical algorithms for applications in data mining, machine learning and network science.  Continuum mechanics models, computational methods in fluid dynamics are used not only in their traditional field at the boundary between applied mathematics and theoretical engineering, but also in nonconventional problems like modeling the full heart function.

Students and researchers in Mathematics at GSSI are encouraged to interact with other scientific communities. At GSSI, we believe that the interdisciplinary endeavor is the most effective way to do science and benefit society. Mathematical models are ubiquitous in physics, engineering, information theory, social and life sciences, as they provide a formidable framework to describe the time evolution of deterministic, stochastic and complex systems, which is one of the main goals at GSSI.

1 PhD fellowship funded under the ERC project “CARDIOTRIALS -CARDIac
simulations to run in-silicO clinical TRIALS
. The project aims at building a virtual model of the human heart based on the fluid-structure-electrophysiology interaction, which will be exploited to study numerically pathologies and assess the efficacy of cardiac devices, accounting for the statistical variability of the population. The project comprises the study of fluid dynamics phenomena and the application of numerical mathematics and high performance computing. The candidates willing to apply are required to work on this specific research project.

Within the Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences, it is
possible to apply both for the CardiOTrials Project position and for GSSI scholarships, by
submitting two different applications.

Best regards,
GSSI PhD Programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences