Dear all,

Rishabh Gvalani, Felix Otto, Markus Tempelmayr, and I are organising a two week-long summer school at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig from the 10th to the 24th of May, 2023 on the general theme of "PDEs and randomness".

The confirmed invited speakers include Roland Bauerschmidt (Cambridge), Bjoern Bringmann (IAS), Mitia Duerinkcx (FNRS/CNRS), Eva Kopfer (Bonn), and Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin). The talks will span a wide range of topics including, but not necessarily limited to, statistical mechanics, optimal transport, singular SPDEs, dispersive equations, and stochastic homogenisation. Each of the speakers will give 4 lectures of about 90 minutes each, spread out over 4 days. Additionally, we are planning on having reading groups/tutorial sessions in the afternoon, (self-)organized by the junior participants with support from the locals/organisers. 

We would be very grateful if you could keep this summer school in mind and also advertise it to the junior members of your respective research groups.

You can find more information and the registration form on the website:

Travel and accommodation support is available for junior participants. The deadline for funding applications is January 31, 2023.

Best wishes,
Rishabh Gvalani, Francesco Mattesini, Felix Otto, and Markus Tempelmayr