Il giorno 13 giugno alle ore 10.30, Aula Di Fresco (quarto piano della facoltà di Economia Sapienza)

Il prof. Roderick Little, University of Michigan, terrà un seminario dal titolo

Some Reflections on Rosenbaum and Rubin’s Propensity Score Paper

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Il seminario è fruibile anche on line collegandosi alla pagina

e cliccando su Link studente in corrispondenza dell’Aula di Fresco


Rosenbaum and Rubin’s paper is highly cited because the basic idea is simple and insightful, and it has applications to important practical problems in treatment comparisons with observational data, and selection bias and nonresponse in surveys. I discuss several issues related to the method, including the use of the propensity score for weighting or prediction, and two robust methods that use the propensity score as a covariate and can be more efficient than weighting when the weights are highly variable, namely Penalized Spline of Propensity Prediction (PSPP) and Penalized Spline of Propensity for Treatment Comparisons (PENCOMP).

Approaches to addressing highly variable weights are discussed, including omitting variables in the propensity model that are unrelated to outcomes and redefining the estimand.


Brunero Liseo
Dip. di metodi e modelli per il territorio, l'economia e la finanza 
Sapienza Università di Roma
Viale Castro Laurenziano, 9 Roma I-00161 
Tel. +39 06 49766973
Fax +39 06 4957606


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