Prof. Sergio Albeverio, Bonn University
"From integrals and asymptotics to (deterministic,stochastic,quantum) dynamical systems"
Abstract del seminario
We illustrate how deterministic ,stochastic and quantum aspects of the world emerge from infinite dimensional integrals and their asymptotics. Some recent applications in applied areas,from neurobiology to engineering and finance, are also briefly discussed.
Keywords: Asymptotic expansions, Infinite dimensional integrals, Mathematical Finance, Neurobiology, SPDEs, Stochastic Processes
Luogo ed ora del seminario:
10 Marzo 2014 ( ore 16:45: rinfresco, ore 17: seminario)
presso il Dipartimento di Informatica dell'Università di Verona,
Strada le Grazie 15 (Vr)
Ca' Vignal 3 - Piramide, Sala Verde
Referente: Luca Di Persio: