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From: "Faggionato, Alessandra" <>
Subject: aggiunta
Date: 17 ottobre 2014 13:49:45 GMT+02:00

Seminario di Probabilita' e Fisica Statistica 

 "Fluctuations and large deviations in non equilibrium  systems"
 by Kirone Mallick (CEA, Saclay, Francia)
Aula L, Dipartimento di Matematica, La Sapienza
Martedi' 21 Ottobre Ore 14.30


 Studies of non-equilibrium  fluctuations have held a center stage during the
 past few decades of the development of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
 Indeed,  macroscopic fluctuations are supposed to display some  universal
 behaviour, regardless of the precise  microscopic dynamics of the  process
 under study. In this talk,  we shall consider a few examples of non-equilibrium
 fluctuations: the  particle current in an interacting particle system,
 the diffusion of a tracer in a one-dimensional gas of
 particles  with excluded mutual passage and the melting of an Ising quadrant.
 These different problems will be analyzed  quantitatively with the help
 of the  macroscopic fluctuation theory.

Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University La Sapienza
Piazzale A. Moro, 2
00186 Rome - Italy