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---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Mark Veraar <M.C.Veraar@tudelft.nl>
Date: mer 22 nov 2023 alle ore 09:41
Subject: phd position
To: Mark Veraar <M.C.Veraar@tudelft.nl>

Dear all,


There is a new opening for a PhD student within my NWO vici project “Foundations of SPDE”. It would be great if you could forward this message to candidates who might be interested.


Job details (tudelft.nl)


The deadline for applications is January 31st, 2024.


Thanks in advance.


Mark Veraar

Federica Masiero

Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni,
Università di Milano Bicocca,  Edificio U5
via Roberto Cozzi, 55, 20126 Milano