Dear all,
happy 2020!
I would like to announce the following seminar by G. Poly (U. Rennes 1). Best,
Dario Trevisan
time and place: Monday 13th January 2020, 14:00, sala Riunoni (dip. Matematica, università degli studi di Pisa, Pisa).
speaker: Guillaume Poly (U. Rennes 1)
title: Around Salem-Zygmund Central Limit Theorem and application to
roots of random trigonometric polynomials
abstract: We shall revisit the Salem-Zygmund Central limit Theorem and
get several generalizations: a speed of convergence via Stein's method,
a functional counterpart and extension to total variation topology. As
an application we prove the almost-sure convergence of the empirical
measure of the number of real roots of a random trigonometric polynomial
under-mild conditions on the coefficients. This is a joint work with
Jurgen Angst.