Clement Erignoux
Universita' di Roma Tre

Titolo: Hydrodynamics for a non-ergodic activated exclusion process

Martedi' 23 Ottobre 2018 ORE 14:30

Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica 
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C

The Entropy Method introduced by Guo, Papanicolaou and Varadhan (1988)
has been used with great sucess to derive the scaling hydrodynamic
behavior of wide ranges of conserved lattice gases (CLG). It requires
to estimate the entropy of the measure of the studied process w.r.t.
some nice, usually product, measure. In this talk, I will present an
exclusion model inspired by a model introduced by  Goncalves, Landim,
Toninelli (2008), with a dynamical constraint, where a particle at
site x can only jump to x+delta iff site x-delta (delta=pm1) is
occupied as well. I will give some insight on the different
microscopic and macroscopic situations that can occur for this model,
and briefly describe the steps to derive the hydrodynamic limit for
this model by adapting the Entropy Method to non-product reference
measures. I will also expand on the challenges and question raised by
this model and on some of its nice mapping features. Joint work with
O. Blondel, M. Sasada, and M. Simon.