We are happy to invite you to the first European Summer Program in Infectious Disease Analysis and Modelling (ESPIDAM).
Time: June 24-28, 2024
Location: Stockholm University, Sweden
Registration: Is now open and closes April 30
Suitable participants: PhD students, PostDocs, Public Health scientists and others interested
Structure: The summer program consists of 6 course modules of which participants can attend one or two.
More information: www.math.su.se/espidam
Contact: espidam@math.su.se
Advisory board: Tom Britton (chair), Simon Cauchemez, Niel Hens, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Lorenzo Pellis and Erik Volz
Please spread to others you think might be interested
Warmly welcome!
The organizing committee (Tom Britton, Martina Favero, Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba, Dongni Zhang and Fanny Bergström)