We are glad to announce that the 2020 Applied Bayesian Statistics Summer
School (17th edition) will be held in Florence, Italy.
8-12 June, 2020
Lecturer: Prof. Fan Li, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Further details are provided below.
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS20 Directors
Raffaele Argiento and Antonio Pievatolo
ABS20 Executive Directors
* ABS20 *
Applied Bayesian Statistics School
Florence Center for Data Science, University of Florence
Florence, Italy
8-12 June, 2020
Lecturer: Prof. Fan Li (Department of Statistical Science,
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA)
The conference webpage is
>>> http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs20/index.html <<<
Registration is now open to reserve a place (but payments are possible
only from early January). Please note that the conference room allows
only for a very limited number of participants.
The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts and
state-of-art methods for causal inference under the potential outcome
framework. The lectures will be organized by the treatment assignment
mechanisms. Topics will cover randomized experiments, observational
studies with ignorable assignment mechanisms, natural experiments,
sequential ignorable longitudinal treatments. Recent advances related
to machine learning and more complex situations such as spatial-temporal
treatments and interference will also be discussed. All methods will
be illustrated via real case studies in health studies, economics and
biology. Though the causal framework and most of the methods are
independent of the inferential paradigm, an emphasis will be put on the
Bayesian paradigm for inference.
See the daily program on the website.
The school will replicate the successful format of the previous years,
and will feature lectures and practical sessions (run by a junior researcher),
as well as participants' talks. It will start on Monday after lunch and end
on Friday before lunch; Wednesday afternoon is free. Info on accommodation
will appear soon on the website. Florence (Firenze) is easily accessible by train,
airplane or car.