Ricevo e volentieri inoltro.

Buona giornata, Lucia

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

Da: "Guillaume Chapuy (FSMP)" <guillaume.chapuy@fsmp.fr>
Data: 19 gennaio 2024 alle ore 11:16:23 CET
A: Lucia Caramellino <caramell@mat.uniroma2.it>

Dear colleagues, 
The FSMP together with its national and regional partners is pleased to announce the opening of the new doctoral program cofund MathPhDInFrance.
This year, the program will offer 24 PhD fellowships co-directed by an Île-de-France laboratory and a laboratory in another region.
Applications are made in two steps. The first step of the application procedure is open until February 14, 2024.
Important eligibility condition: the candidate must not have spent more than one year in France between 14/02/2021 and 14/02/2024.
Find the complete application procedure, the list of eligible laboratories and all useful information about the program on the website: 
Please feel free to pass on this information to your M2 teachers, curriculum managers and colleagues in France and abroad.
Note that it is not necessary to have already a PhD project to apply to the first step (deadline: 14th February 2024). 
Eligible students who are potentially interested by a PhD in math are strongly recommended to apply!

Best regards,

Guillaume Chapuy
IRIF, CNRS et Université Paris Cité
Directeur adjoint de la FSMP

- merci d'utiliser mon adresse @fsmp.fr 
  pour les sujets relatifs à la FSMP!