this is the first announcement of the upcoming
seventh RISM School which will focus on the topic
“Exotic solutions and well posedness of ODE's and PDE's”
directed by Luigi Ambrosio, recipient of the Riemann Prize 2022.
It will take place in Varese during the week July 10-14, 2023 at the Riemann International School of Mathematics, Università
degli Studi dell’Insubria, within the Riemann Prize Week celebrations. The school will culminate on Friday 14th with the Riemann Prize ceremony at the aula magna of the main Rector building in Varese center and the Riemann Lecture by Luigi Ambrosio.
You are kindly asked to forwarding this message towards your Institution and to all possible interested people.
The school will consist of two courses:
Franco Flandoli
Regularisation by noise for ODEs and PDEs;
Dallas Albritton
Self-similarity, singularity, and non-uniqueness in partial differential equations of fluids dynamics
and a series of talks aimed at presenting recent advances and challenges of contemporary research in the field.
IMPORTANT: PhD students, young researchers and postdocs are invited to applying for financial support towards
lodging expenses by sending a CV to
For organizing purposes we kindly ask participants to get registered as soon as possible.
Organizing Committee:
Luigi Ambrosio, Elia Brué, Maria Colombo
Best regards,
Daniele Cassani