Con preghiera di diffusione


Politecnico di Milano is launching a pilot Master Class (MSCA EF MASTER CLASS 2018 @ POLIMI) for potential applicants to the MSCA - European Individual Fellowship call 2018.

The aim of the call is to attract and train young and talented researchers to successfully applying for MSCA European Fellowship with the Politecnico di Milano as host institution.

Applications are open for the published 30 "Supervisors project proposals". Among those 30 projects, we announce the following

Risk and Potentialities of Cryptocurrencies

Candidates will be pre-selected based on their expression of interest, CV and motivation. Promising candidates will be invited to the Politecnico di Milano for 3 days (11-13 June 2018) to meet with their supervisors, to visit laboratories and facilities, to attend an in depth training course on the proposal writing and to make use of full support in the application writing process by POLIMI advisors.

Candidate fellows and supervisors will be guided throughout the whole application process with deadline on 12th September 2018. Only those who get funding through the European Commission’s MSCA IF program will be admitted to Politecnico di Milano.