con piacere segnalo il seguente seminario:
20 luglio 2023 ore 11.00
Title: Influence of behavioral biases on investment decisions. The importance of financial education during an economic crisis
Professor M.C. Lopez Penabad,
University of Santiago de Compostela
Abstract: While classical financial theories assume the rationality of the individual, Behavioral Finance supports the influence of cognitive and emotional aspects on investment decisions. The objective of this study is to contribute to this field by analyzing four biases – Overconfidence, Herd Behavior, Player Fallacy and Hot Hand Fallacy, and Domestic Bias – and their relationship with investors’ personal characteristics, particularly in terms of their Economic Education and Financial Literacy. We also analyze the effect of the financial crisis derived from Covid-19 on the aforementioned biases. This work is based on 109 surveys carried out in Galicia with individual investors, both actual and would-be ones, operating in stock markets. The results confirm that (i) these biases exist and that they relate to financial education and financial literacy; the more individuals there are with limited financial knowledge, the more intensified the biases are, and (ii) that for Overconfidence and Herd Behavior, they are more visible in prolonged crises.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Enea Bongiorno,PhD
Associate Professor of Statistics