Ho il piacere di invitarvi al seguente seminario, che si terrà Lunedì 20 Marzo, alle 14:15, 
in aula 1BC45 della Torre Archimede presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università degli Studi di Padova.

Francesca Nardi

Università di Firenze

Hitting Time Asymptotics for Hard-Core Interactions on Grids

We consider the hard-core model with Metropolis transition probabilities on finite
grid graphs and investigate the asymptotic behavior of the first hitting time between its two
maximum-occupancy configurations in the low-temperature regime. In particular, we show
how the order-of-magnitude of this first hitting time depends on the grid sizes and on the
boundary conditions by means of a novel combinatorial method. Our analysis also proves the
asymptotic exponentiality of the scaled hitting time and yields the mixing time of the process
in the low-temperature limit as side-result. In order to derive these results, we extended the
model-independent framework in Manzo et al. (J Stat Phys 115(1/2):591–642, 2004) for first
hitting times to allow for a more general initial state and target subset.

Work in collaboration with A. Zocca  S. C. Borst

Paolo Dai Pra
Dipartimento di Matematica
Via Trieste, 63
35121 Padova
Tel. +39 0498271361
Fax +39 0498271428