Dear all, 

Professor A. Cerny from Cass will be visiting LUISS and on 

Tuesday April 4, at 12 in Room A410 -- viale Romania  

he will give the following seminar:

Optimal trade execution under endogenous pressure to liquidate: theory and numerical solutions

We study optimal liquidation of a large trading position in a market with a temporary price impact. We endogenize the pressure to liquidate and hence allow the time horizon of liquidation to be determined endogenously, as part of the optimal strategy. The corresponding HJB equation leads to a severely singular initial value problem whose numerical solution we also study. In contrast to much of the existing literature spreading the liquidation strategy over a longer horizon is not necessarily beneficial to the trader.


Joint work with Pavol Brunovský and Ján Komadel, Comenius University Bratislava

Sara Biagini, Professor of Mathematical Finance
Department  of   Economics and Finance
LUISS Guido Carli
Address: viale Romania, 32  -   00197 Roma