Dear all, 

due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Bayesian Young Statistician Meeting (BaYSM 2020)  will be postponed by one year, i.e.
to the two days 25-26 June 2021. BaYSM 2021 will be held at the same location (Kunming, China) and right before the postponed ISBA 2020
world meeting.

We will invite you to visit the webpage of the event--  that will be updated with the new
dates and deadlines. We will send a new call for abstract after the summer.  Note that we will consider only abstracts that will be sent in the new submission window.

We hope that the coronavirus pandemic will end soon, and to see you all at the BaYSM meeting next year.

On behalf of the BAYSM2021 organizing committee,
best regards,
Federico Camerlenghi

Federico Camerlenghi
Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.