Dear all, 

We are happy to announce that on Monday, September 25th, at 15h00 in Aula Dal Passo of Tor Vergata Math Department, RoMaDS ( will host Marco Carfagnini (University of California San Diego) with the seminar 

"Spectral gaps via small deviations

Abstract: In this talk we will discuss spectral gaps of second order differential operators and their connection to limit laws such as small deviations and Chung’s laws of the iterated logarithm. The main focus is on hypoelliptic diffusions such as the Kolmogorov diffusion and horizontal Brownian motions on Carnot groups. If time permits, we will discuss spectral properties and existence of spectral gaps on general Dirichlet metric measure spaces.This talk is based on joint works with Maria (Masha) Gordina and Alexander (Sasha) Teplyaev.

We encourage in-person partecipation. Should you be unable to come, here is the link to the Teams streaming:{"Tid"%3a"24c5be2a-d764-40c5-9975-82d08ae47d0e"%2c"Oid"%3a"650fc4a8-4cec-4bd2-87bc-90d134074fe6”} . 

The seminar is part of the Excellence Project MatMod@TOV.