Dear friends of Stochastics and Statistics, 
Registration to the 38th Finnish Summer School on Probability and Statistics (28.5-1.6.2018 in Lammi Biological Research Station, Finland), is open!

Please check the website 

Ivan Nourdin (U Luxembourg): The Malliavin-Stein approach

Dylan Possamaï (Columbia U): An introduction to backward SDEs and applications in finance and economics

Piotr Zwiernik (U Pompeu Fabra): Latent tree models
The Finnish Summer School on Probability and Statistics has a long tradition starting from the first summer school in Tuusula 1976.  The mission of the summer school is to provide one-week intensive courses on active research topics in probability and statistics, lectured by leading scholars in the field. The school is targeted primarily for doctoral students in probability, statistics, and related areas. Researchers advanced MSc students and fresh postdocs are also encouraged to apply. 
The summer schools are currently organized by the Finnish Doctoral Education Network in Stochastics and Statistics (FDNSS). For enquiries, please contact

Dario Gasbarra PL 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b) 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 9 191 51407 Email: dario.gasbarra ‘at’

Elvira Di Nardo 
Dept. Mathematics "G. Peano" 
University of Torino 
Via Carlo Alberto 10 
10123 Torino, Italia 
tel. +39 0116702862 
fax +39 0116702878