Dear Colleagues,
Please forward this announcement to interested master students and
potential candidates.
PhD POSITIONS are available at the
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications, UMR 7348 University
of Poitiers and CNRS (France)
Applications for PhD candidates in
probability and statistics
are welcome.
There is a possibility to work under the supervision of
Pierre-Yves LOUIS
around the topic:
Stochastic dynamics for large networks
Stochastic models are nowadays of main interest in several
applicative fields:
ecology, population biology, wildfire, social networks. More
individual specificities of constituting
entities (sites) can be considered. A global macroscopic state
emerges from the sites’ interaction.
These individually-based models are following the micro/macro
description workflow defining the
statistical mechanics scientific field. A large, possibly
infinite, number of sites is considered.
These interacting dynamical systems motivate theoretical,
numerical and applied challenges.
These systems of stochastic processes may be used also to sample
from random fields on complicated structures
as the one considered in biology. Monte-Carlo methods are used to
solve related statistical questions.
The PhD thesis will consider one of the following topics which are
strongly related to complex systems in
computer science, statistical physics and computational biology.
The PhD candidate has the opportunity to choose between the
following challenging projects:
- Interacting Stochastic Dynamics on trees
- Stochastic algorithms, Gibbs sampling
- Application of stochastic methods to data classification
Application deadline: 31 March 2015 through
AND please contact Pierre-Yves Louis as soon as possible
Please send one pdf with your resume, and possibly a list of taken
courses with grades,
a copy of your master thesis and at
least two names as references to
For more details please see the pdf-file
and for the application procedure to
You have an MSc in mathematics, with a proven interest in
probability theory and statistics.
Candidates with background in computational physics, computer
mathematical biology, computational biology may be considered.
Conditions of employment
You will be appointed for a period of 3 years through a PhD
scholarship starting 1. September 2015
minimal income : 1684,93 EUR gross/month
For more information and applications please contact
Best regards,
Pierre-Yves LOUIS.