First announcement :
XXIV Brazilian School of Probability/ São Paulo School of advanced science on singular stochastic partial differential equations and their applicationsIt is a pleasure to announce the XXIV Brazilian School of Probability/ São Paulo School of advanced science on singular stochastic partial differential equations and their applications. The São Paulo school is divided into two parts and will happen in the weeks of July 28 to August 8, 2020 at Campinas University. In the first week there will be two introductory mini courses (stochastic calculus and rough paths) that lay the foundations for the courses of the second week. In the latter ones newly developed theories and their latest developments in the field of singular SPDEs and related areas will be taught. The program will be complemented with several plenary talks, invited talks, a poster session and a visit to the LNLS laboratories, where the only particle accelerator of Latin America is located. The school will give full financial support for around 100 students (50 from Brazil and 50 from abroad). More informations under
The XXIV Brazilian School of Probability will coincide with the second week of the São Paulo School. As in previous years, the XXIV Brazilian School of Probability will consist of two mini courses, plenary talks, contributed talks and poster sessions, all presented in a relaxed atmosphere. This will be our first edition at IMECC-UNICAMP, which is home to one of Brazil's top ranked Mathematics departments. More informations under
We would be grateful if you could advertise these events among your colleagues.
On behalf of the organizing committee
Dirk Erhard
Adriana Neumann
Christian Olivera