Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity for Research to meet Industry.

Sportello Matematico per l’Industria Italiana, with the support of MI-Net COST Action, organizes the 124th European Study Group with Industry. The event will take place in Rome from August 29th to September 2nd 2016.

European Study Groups with Industry are events with a well-established international tradition: enterprises and researchers in Applied Mathematics work and brainstorm together to solve real industrial problems.

A Study Group represents a great chance for researchers that allows to:

The partecipation to the event is free for Academics. We particularly encourage Master Students, PhD Students and PostDoctoral Fellows to apply.

Funds are available to support accommodation costs for a limited number of participant.

All the information concerning the Programme of the week, the selected industrial problems, and the registration procedure will be soon available on the event website .

For any further information feel free to contact the organization team at .

We look forward to seeing you in Rome!

Maurizio Ceseri
Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo (IAC-CNR)
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Tel: (+39) 0649270969