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From: "Faggionato, Alessandra" <>
Subject: PhD position available at TU Delft
Date: 20 novembre 2014 10:22:52 GMT+01:00

PhD position available at TU Delft

The PhD position is available in the Applied Probability group of Prof. Dr.=
 Frank Redig at Technical University Delft. Under the supervision of  Dr. W=
ioletta Ruszel and Prof. Frank Redig the PhD candidate has the opportunity =
to choose between the following challenging projects:

- Gibbs- non Gibbs transitions on random graphs

- Probabilistic cellular automata on trees

- Synchronization on a network

For more details please go to:
There is also the possibility to discuss possible other projects in consult=
ation with Dr. Ruszel and Prof. Redig.
You will report on your results through papers in high-ranking probability =
journals and through presentations at international conferences.
You will also have some minor teaching duties, mainly as an assistant for r=
elevant Bachelor and/or Master degree courses.
Women are especially encouraged to apply.


You have an MSc in mathematics or physics, with a proven interest and track=
 record in probability theory.
Conditions of employment
You will be appointed for a period of four years. Your performance will be =
evaluated after 18 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will=
 be extended by 2.5 years;
You will be classified as a PhD Candidate (promovendus) in the Dutch univer=
sity job-ranking system (UFO). The gross starting salary amounts to 2,062 E=
uros per month based on full-time employment, and will increase to 2,638 Eu=
ros in the fourth year;


TU Delft has over 13,000 students and 5,000 staff, all of whom are driven b=
y a fascination for science, design and engineering. Our university is not =
only the oldest but also the largest university of technology in the Nether=
lands. As such, we are constantly in search of new talent from home and abr=
oad to help us ensure that our research and education remains of the very h=
ighest standard.
Delft University of Technology works at providing new ground-breaking insig=
hts and solutions to urgent societal problems around the world. Thanks to i=
ts top faculty members and unique, large-scale technological research facil=
ities, this university offers world-level multidisciplinary research and ed=
The campus contains a large number of state-of the art facilities such as t=
he sports and cultural centers.


The deadline fo rthe application is 31 st of December 2014. Please send a l=
etter of motivation, a list of taken courses with grades, a copy of your ma=
ster thesis and at least two references to
For more information and applications please contact =