Apologies for cross-posting.

We are pleased to announce the workshop

Graphs and Randomness in Turin

January 20-21, 2020
Department of Mathematics "G. Peano", University of Torino, Italy

For more information please see the webpage:

Registration is mandatory but free. To register please email tamas.makai@unito.it by January 15.

Invited Speakers:

- Elisabetta Candellero (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre)
- Umberto De Ambroggio (University of Bath)
- Nicola Del Giudice (Graz University of Technology)
- Thomas M. Michelitsch (Sorbonne Université, CNRS)
- Angelica Pachon (University of South Wales)
- Guillem Perarnau (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Matt Roberts (University of Bath)
- Tatyana Turova (Lund University)

With best regards,
The organisers,

Tamás Makai
Federico Polito

Federico Polito

Department of Mathematics
University of Torino
Via Carlo Alberto, 10
10123, Torino, Italy
Email: federico.polito@unito.it
Tel: +39 011 6702862