Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma         


Martedì 25 ottobre

Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio

Seminario di Probabilità e Statistica Matematica

Claude Lefèvre, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Département de Mathématique

Epidemic Risk and Insurance Coverage

Abstract; This paper aims to apply simple actuarial methods to build an insurance plan protecting against an epidemic risk in a population. The studied model is an extended SIR epidemic in which the removal and infection rates may depend on the number of registered removals. The costs due to the epidemic are measured through the expected epidemic size and infectivity time. The premiums received during the epidemic outbreak are measured through the expected susceptibility time. Using martingale arguments, a method by recursion is developed to calculate the cost components and the corresponding premium levels in this extended epidemic model. Some numerical examples illustrate the effect of removals and the premium calculation in an insurance plan. This is a joint work with P. Picard (ISFA, Lyon) and M. Simon (ULB).


Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Conferenze previste nel mese di novembre, nella stessa aula, con lo stesso orario:

8 novembre: Thi Da Cam Pham (Tours)

15 novembre: Marc Peigné (Tours)

22 novembre: Carlo Orrieri (Sapienza)

29 novembre: Pietro Caputo (Roma Tre)

Gli abstract saranno inviati tempestivamente.

Per qualsiasi richiesta di informazione scrivere a: piccioni@mat.uniroma1.it