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Da: One World Probability <>
Date: mer 13 gen 2021 alle ore 18:27
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar Thursday January 14, 2021
To: <>

Tomorrow's speakers in the One World Probability Seminar are
(Note: all times are in UTC. Due to time changes, you should check what that translates to in your location)

(14:00-15:00 UTC) Speaker: Thomas Leblé (CNRS - Université de Paris (MAP5))
Title: Coulomb gases: a short introduction
Abstract: Coulomb potentials are natural examples of systems with long-range interactions. They appear in statistical physics, random matrix theory, vortex systems, constructive approximation… and can be seen as a (possibly infinite) random collection of points that exhibit interesting stochastic features depending on the length scale and the temperature T.
For example, their global arrangement is predicted by a mean field model and is found to be independent of T, whereas their local arrangement varies wildly with T while conserving strong, surprising rigidity properties all along.
I will present some basic facts about the analysis of Coulomb gases and mention a few long-standing questions around which recent developments have taken place.

(15:00-16:00 UTC) Sylvia Serfaty (NYU Courant)
Title: Local laws and fluctuations for Coulomb gases
Abstract: We are interested in the statistical mechanics of systems of N points with Coulomb interactions in general dimension for a broad temperature range. We discuss local laws characterizing the rigidity of the system at the microscopic level, as well as free energy expansion and Central Limit Theorems for fluctuations.

The zoom link will appear the day before on the OWPS website:

It can also be directly accessed through the link below:

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We hope to see you all tomorrow!
One World Probability Team

Prof. Alessandra Faggionato

Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome

Office 5, Phone  (0039)  06 49913252