I am pleased to announce the

Third Workshop on "Large Scale Random Structures"

Wed 10 - Thu 11 July 2019
Aula 3014, U5 building
Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca

Co-sponsored by the PRIN 2015 Project "Large Scale Random Structures" (P.I. Fabio Martinelli)

See below for the program. More details on the webpage:


Participation is free, but registration is required (just contact me by email).

Francesco Caravenna



Wed 10 July

    14:20 Opening

    14:30-15:10 Elisabetta Candellero (Roma Tre)
    Oil and water model on vertex transitive graphs

    15:15-15:55 Vittoria Silvestri (Cambridge / Roma Sapienza)
    Planar aggregation models with subcritical fluctuations

    16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

    16:30-17:10 Paolo Dai Pra and Marco Formentin (Padova)
    Mean-field models with multiscale structure

    17:15-17:55 Alexandre Stauffer (Roma Tre)
    Competition in randomly growing processes

    18:00-18:40 Massimo Campanino (Bologna)
    Ornstein-Zernike behaviour for the correlation functions of the ground state of the quantum Ising model with transverse magnetic field

    Evening: Social Dinner 

Thu 11 July

    09:00-09:40 Pietro Caputo (Roma Tre)
    Mixing time of PageRank surfers on sparse random digraphs

    09:45-10:25 Alessandra Bianchi and Samuele Stivanello (Padova)
    Random walks in random media

    10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

    11:00-11:40 Francesca Collet (Padova)
    Dynamical aspects of a Curie-Weiss model of self-organized criticality: moderate fluctuations

    11:45-12:25 Francesca Nardi (Firenze)
    Hitting time asymptotics for hard-core interactions on bipartite graphs

    12:30-13:10 Alessandra Faggionato (Roma Sapienza)
    Stochastic homogenization in amorphous media and applications to exclusion processes and random resistor network

    13:15 Closing 



Francesco Caravenna

Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Cozzi 55, 20125 Milano, Italy
