Within the framework of the university-wide initiative Research for Global Challenges, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice seeks applications to fill permanent, full-time positions in various fields. See the web page http://www.unive.it/pag/15535/

Research Areas:

Eligible applicants must have been employed as permanent faculty members or research staff by a foreign university or research institute for at least three consecutive years by the time of the call deadline.

We seek individuals with a strong research commitment, an outstanding portfolio of international publications, and a proven teaching record in the field associated with the post. Experience in leading research groups, conducting/coordinating international projects, and a proven attitude to raise research funding are highly valued.

Please apply only by ResearchGate.net https://www.researchgate.net/institution/Universita_Ca_Foscari_Venezia/jobs (insert your complete CV together with a complete list of publications and the contacts of two references, from whom recommendations can be asked).

Deadline is September 10th 2017

Antonella Basso
Prorettore alla Programmazione e Valutazione - Prorector at Planning and Valuation
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia - Italy
Tel. +39-041-2346914
E-mail address: basso@unive.it
Web page: http://www.unive.it/data/persone/5591751