Dear Colleague,
it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the
40th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Copulas – Theory and Applications
Bildungshaus St. Magdalena, Linz, Austria
June 6-9, 2023
Since their inception in 1979 the Linz Seminars on Fuzzy Sets have emphasized the
development of mathematical aspects in the context of fuzzy sets by bringing
together researchers in fuzzy sets and established mathematicians whose work
outside the fuzzy setting can provide direction for further research. The philosophy
of the seminar has always been to keep it deliberately small and intimate so that
informal critical discussions remain central.
LINZ 2023 will be the 40th seminar carrying on this tradition and is devoted to the
theme "Copulas — Theory and Applications". The goal of the seminar is to present
and to discuss recent advances of copulas and related functions and their
applications in pure and applied fields.
Accordingly, the topics of the Seminar will include but not be limited to:
· Copula theory
o From bivariate to multivariate copulas
o Dependence measures and association
o Approximation and convergence of copulas
o Measure theoretic aspects of copulas
o Copulas in the discrete setting
· Copula applications
o Applications in pure and applied fields
o Estimation in the context of copulas
o Copula methods in Data Science
o Feature selection
· Relationship to other aggregation functions
o Triangular (co)norms, implications
o Uninorms, nullnorms
o Quasi-copulas, semicopulas
o Distribution functions
The "Linz" tradition has these key features: the number of participants of the Linz
Seminars is usually bounded above by 40 with broad international representation
and an enjoyable mix of pure and applied interests; there are no parallel sessions
so that all participants focus on each presentation and fully engage in each topic;
and there is time for discussion of each presentation, with follow up round table(s)
for discussion of open problems and issues raised in the talks. In particular, young
researchers (PhD students, junior post-docs) are encouraged to submit their latest
Please submit your extended abstract (up to 4 pages) by March 29th, 2023
following the guidelines provided at the webpage of the seminar.
Further Information about the seminar(s) is available at:
We look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you in Linz,
Best regards,
Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Wolfgang Trutschnig
(Program Chairs)