
Inoltro con piacere questo messaggio di Riccardo Adami circa un seminario di B. Schlein a Torino. Saluti,

Dario Trevisan


Care amiche, cari amici,

vi segnalo l'inizio di un ciclo di seminari che avranno luogo in vari
dipartimenti universitari di Torino, centrato sulla matematica della
fisica contemporanea, con particolare riferimento alla Meccanica
Quantistica. Giovedí 30 si terrá il primo appuntamento che, come i
successivi, consterá di due parti: una lezione informale aperta da
tenere al mattino ("crash course") e un seminario\colloquium al
pomeriggio. Auspichiamo una partecipazione nutrita anche da parte di
dottorande, dottorandi e studenti magistrali. Il primo speaker sará
Benjamin Schlein, dell'Universitá di Zurigo. Informazioni in calce e
locandina in allegato. Preannuncio che il secondo appuntamento sará
l'11 settembre 2025 con Roberto Longo. Siamo a disposizione per
ulteriori chiarimenti. Con preghiera di diffusione a tutti i
potenziali interessati.

Un saluto cordiale,

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new lecture series
"QuanTO - Quantum Lectures in Torino". This joint initiative is the
result of the scientific cooperation among researchers from the
Departments of Physics and Mathematics of Politecnico di Torino
(DISMA-DISAT) and Università di Torino.

The goal of this series is to bring together physicists and
mathematicians interested in quantum theories through regular meetings
and advanced lectures on current topics by leading experts. We are
particularly committed to engaging students and young researchers with
these fascinating areas. Therefore, to encourage broader
participation, each conference will be preceded by one or more
introductory lectures ("crash course") designed to review the ideas
and techniques necessary to fully appreciate the advanced seminar.

The inaugural event of this series will take place on January 30th,
2025. We are pleased to host Professor Benjamin Schlein from the
University of Zürich on this occasion, who will talk about "Bogoliubov
Theory for Dilute Bose Gases." The schedule is as follows - please
find the event leaflet attached:

- Crash course at Politecnico di Torino, Aula 1D, from 10:00 to 12:00.

- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics "G. Peano" (UniTo), Aula
Magna (2nd floor), from 15:00 to 16:00.

Abstract: In this talk, I am going to review recent progress in the
mathematical understanding of the low-energy properties of dilute
quantum systems. In particular, I am going to present a rigorous
version of Bogoliubov theory and I am going to show how it can be used
to obtain precise estimates for the ground state energy and the
low-energy excitation spectrum and also to approximate the time
evolution of Bose gases in the so-called Gross-Pitaevskii regime.

The seminar will be followed by a coffee break and informal discussions.

No registration is required. Should you have any inquiries, please
feel free to contact us at Further
information can be found on the webpage of the series:

We kindly ask you to circulate this message to any potential participants.

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee:

Riccardo Adami, Laura Andrianopoli, Andrea Cavaglià, Dario Martelli,
Marco Meineri, Fabrizio Nieri, S. Ivan Trapasso, Mario Trigiante

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Adami
Professor of Mathematical Analysis
DISMA G.L. Lagrange
Politecnico di Torino