we are happy to announce the hybrid - that is, in person with online streaming - talk of the (PMS)^2 series:
Speaker: Mario Maurelli
(Università di Pisa)
Title: Existence and uniqueness by Kraichnan noise for 2D Euler equations with unbounded vorticity.
We consider the incompressible Euler equations in two or three dimensions and we show that the addition of a suitable multiplicative It\^o noise with superlinear growth prevents a smooth solution from blowing up in finite time. The result is valid for a more
general hyperbolic-type SPDE. The proof is based on the Lyapunov function method.
We consider the 2D Euler equations on $\\mathbb{R}^2$ in vorticity form, with unbounded initial vorticity, perturbed by a suitable non-smooth Kraichnan transport noise, with regularity index $\\alpha\\in (0,1)$.
We show weak existence for every $\\dot{H}^{-1}$ initial vorticity. Thanks to the noise, the solutions that we construct are limits in law of a regularized stochastic Euler equation and enjoy an additional $L^2([0,T];H^{-\\alpha})$ regularity.
For every $p>3/2$ and for certain regularity indices $\\alpha \\in (0,1/2)$ of the Kraichnan noise, we show also pathwise uniqueness for every $L^p$ initial vorticity. This result is not known without noise.
Joint work with Michele Coghi.
Date and time: Tuesday 10 October, 14:30-15:30 (Rome time zone).
Aula Seminari - III piano (third floor), Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano - Ed. 14 “Nave” Campus
(Accesso pedonale da: Via A.M. Ampère, 2 - Milano, Via E.
Bonardi, 9 - Milano, Via G. Ponzio, 31 - Milano).
Zoom link:
ID riunione: 910 6424 1084
Codice d’accesso: 355806
This is a talk of the
(PMS)^2: Pavia-Milano
Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical Statistics organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia and Milano-Politecnico.
Participation is free and welcome!
Best regards
The organizers (Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi,
Margherita Zanella)