Dear all,
   this is to announce the following

Cycle of seminars in Data Science and Machine Learning:
towards the Math-based professional profiles of the future

All the talks will  take place at Ca'Vgnal 2
College of Mathematics - Dept. of Computer Science - UniVr
Strada le Grazie, 15 - Verona

located here

M. Stecca , J. radaelli  and  R. Zenti

according with the following timetable
  • 9/3 - 1530-1730 . - Big Data & Data Science. Key concepts and practical  applications - Speaker: Dr.Michele Stecca - HORSA SPA [ Room M ]
  • 12/3 -  1630-1830 - Analytics for big Data. How to move from data to information - Speaker: Dr.Jacopo Radaelli - Reply IT [ Room G ]
  • 14/3 -  1630-1830 - Fintech & RoboAdvisors. Myths and Reality - Speaker: Dr. Raffaele Zenti Advise Only [ Meeting room 2nd floor]

  • The initiative is organised within the framework
    of the Stochastic Semester VPSMS18  [ ] ,
    see also:

    Do not hesitate to contact me for further info.


    Luca Di Persio - PhD
    College of Mathematics
    Dept. of Computer Science - University of Verona
    strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
    Tel  :   +39  045  802 7968

    Head of R&D