Lunedì 1 aprile, ore 10:30-13:00, aula B, Dipartimento di Matematica La Sapienza
ci sara' il primo incontro del corso di dottorato di Fabio Toninelli (in cui verra' anche stabilito l'orario definitivo).
Il corso si svolgerà durante il mese di aprile.
sotto trovate dettagli del corso.
alessandra faggionato
Fabio Toninelli (University Lyon 1)
The dimer model: equilibrium and non-equilibrium aspects
This course focuses on various mathematical aspects of lattice dimer models. These are very classical two-dimensional statistical mechanics models, that are exactly solvable in some sense (Kasteleyn, 1961): partition function and correlations can be computed in determinantal form. Recently there has been a new wave of interest in dimer models, both in probability, combinatorics and mathematical physics. One reason is that these models, as well as other two-dimensional critical models, exhibit conformal invariance
properties. Another interesting aspect is that they allow to obtain very nice Markov dynamics of two-dimensional interfaces, whose large-scale dynamical behavior can be studied.
Detailed contents:
• Kasteleyn theory (partition functions, correlations, determinantal properties)
• correlations and representation determinantale
• thermodynamic limit and ergodic Gibbs measures
• height fluctuations and massless Gaussian field
• dynamics of dimer models: mixing time and hydrodynamic limits.
References :
• R. Kenyon, Lectures on dimers, arXiv:0910.3129.
• F. Toninelli, Lecture notes on the dimer model,
http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/homes-www/toninelli/noteDimeri.pdf-- *************************************************
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252